If you have any questions or would like to chat about a potential project or representation, please do get in touch. If possible, we’d love you to provide some brief detail in below message area. It helps us get an idea of what your needs or speculative interest is before a meeting, so we can come prepared with initial thoughts.
Suite 300
479 W 6th Street
San Pedro
2525 Via Campesina
Suite 203
PVE, CA 90274
Nymphenburger Str. 190
D-80636 Munich
Nymphenburger Str. 190
D-80636 Munich
Nymphenburger Str. 190
D-80636 Munich
We are passionate about real estate and work very closely with a range of high-end tenants, sellers, and investors. If you’d like to work with us please do email Laurie at lauriewixted@gmail.com or Laurie@wixtedgroup.com